Sam Starks
Sam Starks is currently the Executive Director of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Programs at Penn providing leadership ensuring that the University meets its obligations as an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer and educational institution.
Prior to coming to Penn, Sam served in the Office of Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Disability Services at both Vanderbilt University and Western Kentucky University. Sam earned a bachelor’s degree in speech from Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee and a master’s degree in organizational and corporate communication from Western Kentucky University.
Wednesday, July 31
Special Session
Higher Education Roundtable (Invitation only) – Managing Scrutiny, Controversy, and Free Speech
Cheri Burgess, Princeton University; Inderdeep Chatrath, Center for Workplace Compliance; Sam Starks, University of Pennsylvania
Recent events and developments at national and global levels have impacted colleges and universities and their DEI/compliance practitioners in ways unimaginable in the past. In this interactive session, we’ll discuss advancing DEI initiatives one year after the Harvard/UNC decision and managing free speech and harassment considerations—amidst heightened scrutiny of federal agencies and congressional oversight. Through case studies and participant engagement we’ll review pitfalls, “best practices,” and develop practical take-aways to guide our ongoing work.