Quenton Wright
As a labor economist at Charles River Associates, Quenton assists employers with pay audits, diversity monitoring, government investigations, and several of the largest class-action discrimination matters in the country. Quenton specializes in the application of statistical techniques to analyses of employment practices, such as compensation, hiring, promotion, and termination. Her particular niche is in measuring and mitigating her clients' risk, especially with respect to pay equity. Quenton has presented on compensation and diversity topics at the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM), WorldatWork, National Employment Law Institute (NELI), and Industry Liaison Group (NILG and ILG) events.
ILG/NILG events
• “Assessing Promotions and Placement in a Post-Pandemic Labor Market.” National Industry Liaison Group Conference, August 2021
• “To FAAP or Not to FAAP—That is the Question.” National Industry Liaison Group Webinar Conference, July 2020
• “How Do You Measure Up? Use Metrics to Elevate Diversity & Inclusion in Your Organization.” Colorado Industry Liaison Group, January 2020
• “Equal Pay Audits: Assessing Risk and Developing a Plan of Action,” National Industry Liaison Group Conference, August 2018
• “Understanding and Managing Pay Equity and Pay Gaps in a Changing Legal Environment and Dynamic Marketplace,” National Industry Liaison Group Conference, August 2017
Wednesday, July 31
Workshop 1
An I/O Psychologist, Labor Economist and Statistician Walk into a (Proverbial) Bar and Discuss Pay Equity…
Quenton Wright, Charles River Associates; Joanna Colosimo, DCI Consulting Group Inc.; Krystal Welland, Silberman Law PC
Join a panel discussion between an I/O Psychologist, Labor Economist and Statistician addressing the top five most challenging analytical topics in today’s landscape. The panelists will share firsthand experiences and hard-earned advice. Attendees will obtain best practice recommendations on:
• Strategic analysis aggregating compensation snapshots
• Providing OFCCP proof of a “pay evaluation”
• Analyzing and submitting state specific pay data
• Determining pay analysis groups
• Assessing whether an explanatory factor is biased