Leigh Nason
Leigh Nason is a shareholder in the Columbia, South Carolina office of Ogletree Deakins and co-chairs the firm’s Affirmative Action/OFCCP Compliance Practice Group. Leigh provides on the preparation, management, and defense of their affirmative action programs and related matters, including jurisdictional analyses, preventative strategies, complaint investigations, and compliance evaluations. She is often retained to assist with OFCCP systemic discrimination cases stemming from statistical disparities in hiring, pay, and testing and has successfully defended allegations of significant monetary liability. An experienced litigator, Leigh has defended discrimination claims before federal and state courts as well as administrative tribunals.
Monday, July 29
Workshop 3
Ethical Considerations with OFCCP
Leigh Nason and Lauren Hicks, Ogletree Deakins
This course serves as an annual refresher on ethical reminders in interactions with OFCCP. The session gives practical audit examples, and tips on avoiding OFCCP claims of denial of access, retaliation, or interference. Led by experienced attorneys, we discuss working with OFCCP productively, and minimizing risks of unethical behavior. Contractors will learn techniques to manage the OFCCP relationship. Examples include:
- Ethical considerations with how to interact with agency
- Considerations related to the use of staffing agencies and other vendors
- Audit requests - particularly compensation
- Data disagreements with OFCCP