Tim Branner
C. Timothy Branner, An accomplished management professional with thirty-plus years of experience in advancing diverse talent acquisition, equal employment, and compliance, is currently the Associate Director of Affirmative Action Programs with Raytheon Technologies (RTX). In this role, Tim is responsible for directional leadership of Raytheon's Affirmative Action objectives and related strategic initiatives, partnerships, and activities.
Tim’s commitment to community and civic leadership includes roles on the Board of Directors for the Urban League of Greater Hartford, a past member of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation's (Amtrak) Customer Advisory Committee (ACAC) and the Tuskegee University Board of Trustees.
Wednesday, July 31
Workshop 5
Beyond Hiring: How to Have and Hold Veterans
Tim Branner, RTX; Jasmine Tucker, Virginia Tech
This presentation explores the importance of moving beyond hiring practices to address how to successfully retain, effectively manage, and motivate the best performance from protected veterans through realistic strategies. In this session you will:
Learn how veteran job seekers focus on the realities of daily engagement in the work environment.
• Understand the veteran’s perspective - my job description, performance goals and acceptable tactics
• Learn how mentorship helps bridge the professional culture and language gap
• Understand how military readiness discourages self-reporting of disabilities and requests for reasonable accommodations that could enhance performance and decrease turnover