Anupa Iyer Geevarghese
Anupa Iyer Geevarghese is the Chief of Staff for the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), where she identifies and implements strategies for increasing the number and quality of employment opportunities for people with disabilities. Prior to joining the DOL, Anupa served as Senior Disability Policy Advisor at the Department of Defense and as a Confidential Assistant to Commissioner Chai Feldblum. Anupa was also employed in the EEOC’s Office of Federal Operations, where she was instrumental in implementing updates to Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act. Anupa also worked for various advocacy organizations, including the Mental Disability Advocacy Center.
Wednesday, July 31
Workshop 4
Mental Health Awareness in the Workplace
Rae Vann, Wayfair; Anupa Iyer Geevarghese, Office of Disability Employment Policy; Consuela Pinto, PintoBrown PLLC
Mental health is the hidden disability that pervades today’s workplace. 19% of U.S. workers rated their mental health as fair or poor in 2022. 43% of employees reported being reluctant to disclose a mental health condition to their employers. This interactive panel discussion will provide employers with a clear understanding of the current legal landscape; tips for engaging with employees around the issue of mental illness; strategies for identifying when an employee may be in need of assistance; and resources available to assist employers and employees.