Amanda Johnson
Amanda Johnson is a Human Resources and I/O Psychology professional. Currently a Senior Human Resources Analyst, EEO at Emerson, Amanda is involved with ensuring fair outcomes throughout the employee lifecycle. In addition to her role-specific tasks at Emerson, Amanda is the global chair of the company’s employee resource group (ERG), Diverse Abilities, focused on disability inclusion and advocacy. She serves on SIOP’s DIAC committee, is a board member for NAMI, St. Louis, a member of the St. Louis ILG, and is committed to amplifying the voices of historically underrepresented people in work and all facets of life.
Tuesday, July 30
Workshop 1
Neutrally Selected: Lessons from Four Years, Twenty Audits and Two Compliance Professionals
Lori Stewart, Oshkosh Corporation; Amanda Johnson, Emerson Electric Company
This session will focus on lessons learned from the audit trenches. Your presenters will share how they prepare their internal teams from pre-CSAL to audit closure. Key take-aways from this “boots on the ground” perspective include:
• What actions YOU need to take before the CSAL is posted;
• How to address roadblocks and challenges with process and teams; and
• What surprises we encountered and how we worked through them.