Marife Ramos
Marife Ramos has been practicing in the field of Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action (EEO/AA) since 1996 and is currently the Vice President of the EEO/AA Division at Biddle Consulting Group, Inc. Her primary responsibilities include litigation support, affirmative action plan (AAP) development, and OFCCP audit support. Her breadth of knowledge and expertise include conducting statistical adverse impact analyses of personnel actions (hires, promotions, and terminations), conducting compensation analyses, and providing guidance to AAP practitioners on the laws and regulations around EO 11246, Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act, and VEVRAA. Ms. Ramos has conducted numerous training programs across the United States on AAP methodology, adverse impact analysis, and compensation analysis. She earned her Master’s degree in Business Analytics from CA State University, Sacramento.
Wednesday, July 31
Workshop 3
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Diversity Initiatives Gone Awry
Cassie Shamber and Marife Ramos, Biddle Consulting Group
Often times goals are commonly seen as a “recruitment” issue and by simply “casting a broader net,” organizations can make meaningful progress. Organizations commonly focus their attention and efforts in outreach and recruitment to address their goals. Unfortunately, diversifying applicant pools without addressing underlying roadblocks in the selection process, can often lead to elevated adverse impact (ie, no good deed goes unpunished.) The session will focus on bringing these issues to light so that meaningful action-oriented programs can be created.