Lori Stewart
Lori Stewart is a Human Resources Manager who is also learning Global Mobility. Her current role as the Manger, HR Compliance & Global Mobility at Oshkosh Corporation, means that she is responsible for in house affirmative action program management and all HR compliance processes. In addition to these tasks, Lori supports the Oshkosh Human Rights Committee and chairs the Fox Valley ILG. She participates in both the Milwaukee ILG and Michigan ILG. You may have seen Lori at prior NILG conferences as she has presented at both the Milwaukee NILG (2019) and Phoenix NILG (2023) conferences.
Monday, July 29
First Time Attendees Briefing
First Time Attendees Briefing – Getting the Most from the Conference
Beverly Freeman, AAP Consultants LLC; Lori Stewart, Oshkosh Corporation
Welcome to your first NILG Conference! Hear from seasoned attendees on how to navigate the conference and make the most of your experience. Learn how to pick your sessions, network, make new friends and more to keep you coming back year after year.
Tuesday, July 30
Workshop 1
Neutrally Selected: Lessons from Four Years, Twenty Audits and Two Compliance Professionals
Lori Stewart, Oshkosh Corporation; Amanda Johnson, Emerson Electric Company
This session will focus on lessons learned from the audit trenches. Your presenters will share how they prepare their internal teams from pre-CSAL to audit closure. Key take-aways from this “boots on the ground” perspective include:
• What actions YOU need to take before the CSAL is posted;
• How to address roadblocks and challenges with process and teams; and
• What surprises we encountered and how we worked through them.