Guy Brenner
Guy Brenner is a Partner in Proskauer’s Labor & Employment Law Department and leads the Firm’s Washington, D.C. Labor & Employment practice. He is head of the firm’s Government Contractor Compliance Group, and co-head of the Counseling, Training & Pay Equity Group. Guy regularly advises federal government contractors and subcontractors all aspects of OFCCP regulations and requirements, including preparing affirmative action plans, complying with the myriad of OFCCP regulatory requirements, and representing contractors in OFCCP audits. Guy is a member of the WMILG and currently serves on its Board. Guy has presented at several NILG conferences.
Tuesday, July 30
Workshop 6
Heads they Win, Tails You Lose - Navigating New Items 19 and 22
Guy Brenner, Proskauer; Rick Holt, Resolution Economics
In this session, two experts will break down the implications of the expanded item 19 and new item 22 in OFCCP’s updated audit scheduling letter. Attendees will learn:
- The scope of the new pay data production obligations
- The risks the new requirements present for the unwary
- How to identify and empower relevant stakeholders to ensure you are ready and able when a scheduling letter arrives