Christopher Patrick
Chris Patrick is a Principal in the Denver, Colorado, office of Jackson Lewis P.C. and is a member of the Firm’s Affirmative Action Compliance and OFCCP Defense practice group and Pay Equity resource group. Chris partners with employers on practical solutions to ensure equal employment opportunity (EEO), including counseling on affirmative action, pay equity and transparency, and diversity. In short, Chris develops actionable strategies under privilege that identify and eliminate unseen barriers to EEO in personnel practices—often informed by trends in employee data. He is a Colorado ILG Member and Northern California ILG Steering Committee Member. He is a frequent speaker at NILG and regional programs:
1. SWARM ILG 2023 (Ft. Worth): (1) Pay equity practices; (2) Strategies for more complaint practices.
2. NILG 2023 (Phoenix): Internet Applicant Rule refinement strategies.
3. NILG 2022 (Boston): (1) Logistic regression as a tool for hiring discrimination claims; (2) best practices to avoid risk while implementing DEI practices.
4. NILG 2021 (Nashville): (1) OFCCP audit preparation; (2) Pay transparency laws.
5. NILG 2019 (Milwaukee): Pay equity (focusing on the importance of base pay).
Monday, July 29
Workshop 4
Beyond Analyses: First Principles Thinking for Fair Pay Practices
Chris Patrick and Michael Giarratano, Jackson Lewis P.C.
Pay analyses focus on the current state—not how you got there. With the evolving landscape, employers must get ahead of their pay practices to provide transparency and messaging. This requires fair systems, not analyses. Come join this discussion on common practices that can get us in compensation-related hot water, and considerations for how to get out. Topics include:
• Pay equity, transparency laws
• The causes of pay inequity
• Best practices to prevent pay inequities